よく外国人や日本人の方になぜ掛け声をかけるようになったのか聞かれますが、それは私が音楽家として(先月の便りでお話した) 「間」に対する勘と関心があったからかもしれません。
最初に歌舞伎を見たのは1979年。1982年には最初の英語イヤホンガイドの解説者になる。音楽教育と歌舞伎に関する著書があり、1993年に「Kabuki - A Pocket Guide」(Charles E. Tuttle)を日米で、2004年には「A Guide to the Japanese Stage」(講談社インターナショナル)をポール・グリフィス、扇田 昭彦との共著として出版した。
2002年には、鈴ヶ森を「Kabuki Plays on Stage Vol. III - Darkness and Desire」(University of Hawai'i Press)へと翻訳し、昨年は松竹とNHKが制作する歌舞伎DVDの新シリーズの解説、字幕制作をおこなった。
I first saw a Kabuki play in 1979, having arrived in Tokyo shortly before to take up a position teaching piano. Although there were a lot of fascinating things about Kabuki, that was my first question - "Why is that man shouting?"
Having taken our seats, my wife and I were continually interrupted by shouts. These shouts came not from the stage but from the seats behind me on the third floor. Turning round, I eventually managed to pin-point one of the men responsible, and noticed too the self-satisfied way in which he would sink back into his seat after each outburst. This was disconcerting. Was there something wrong with him? Would someone have this madman thrown out? No one else seemed to take any notice. During the interval I saw that the "madman" knew others, and that they were all obviously very much at home, chatting and discussing the performance. It was all very mysterious!
Finding an answer to my question was not easy. All of our Japanese friends and pupils were concerned with the field of Western music and none of them knew anything about Kabuki, or indeed, anything at all about traditional Japanese arts.
Becoming more and more fascinated by Kabuki, I bought a Kabuki Encyclopaedia with lots of photographs, including ones of all the major actors. Underneath each photo was written something called a yago It took me some time to work out what these were but gradually, as I saw more Kabuki, I managed to make sense of the once incoherent yells - "Narita-ya!", "Omodaka-ya!", "Narikoma-ya!", "Kyo-ya!"
Having worked out what the calls were, the urge to join in became irresistible. I tried it myself - a little tentatively at first - and, although I'm sure I wasn't very good at first, Kabuki became a whole different experience.
I'm often asked by both foreigners and Japanese why I started to do kakegoe and I can only assume that, as a musician I already had a sense of ma - about which I wrote last month.
As far as I'm aware, there's nothing quite like kakegoe in any Western art. Applause of any kind is generally discouraged during any performance. In certain operas, for example, there is a tradition of applauding (and cheering) after an aria - but not during it! In addition, that type of applause has no artistic merit.
This is what makes kakegoe so unique and so absolutely extraordinary.
This form of interaction with the on-stage performance, when it's done well, can make a significant addition to the overall artistic effect. Maybe Kabuki actors will not agree with me but, in my opinion, Kabuki without kakegoe is not as interesting as Kabuki with kakegoe. Actually Ebizo said that to me in London - "Zenzen chigau desu kara." - "It's totally different."
What are artistic kakegoe calls? When Nakamura Kichiemon II appears from behind a rock at the beginning of the play Shunkan, for example, there may be calls of "Harima-ya!", his yago. However, in this case the call is simply a form of greeting or applause and is not really artistic at all. A few moments later, however, Shunkan stumbles, supporting himself on his staff. This short and seemingly insignificant pose of a few seconds, is a ma during which a good actor portrays all the deprivations which Shunkan has endured while in exile on the island. Done well, this pose can be full of meaning and so a good caller will call here in a voice which supplements the on-stage tension created by the actor. The caller must feel this together with the actor and he must have a complete understanding and feeling for the ma.
Let's look at another example. In Act V of Kanadehon Chushingura, "The Treasury of Loyal Retainers," Kanpei, while out hunting, mistakenly shoots the thief, Sadakuro. He moves to the hanamichi and poses holding his gun. In deep shock, his legs can hardly bear him and he stumbles off. This pose and exit are of great significance and so the calling here - carefully timed to exactly after the actor strikes the pose and before his first step - needs immaculate timing.
And another important aspect of kakegoe is the way in which the call is made. The most skilful callers change the quality of their voice depending on the drama. Heroic poses in the middle of a fight scene will probably need really excited, loud shouts. In contrast, scenes of pathos, such Shunkan's final moments when he is left totally alone, exiled on Devils' Island require calls which are more subtly integrated into the drama. The calls need to have more feeling and be more intense rather than simply loud.
Of course, when we listen to Western music we appreciate ma all the time - even if we don't know it! As well as the dramatic pauses in the Stravinsky which I wrote about last time, all Western music, from Bach to Beethoven to Brahms to Wagner to Stockhausen contains moments of pause. They may be silent or they may be notes which are held for a certain length before the music moves one. Think, for example of the pause after the first "da, da, da, daaaaaa" motif at the beginning of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. That pause has immense drama! The next time you go to a concert and hear it, would you like to fill in the pause with a great exulted shout? How about a fortissimo call of "Narita-ya!"? People might ask, "Why is that man shouting?" And we would know, wouldn't we?!
Ronald Cavaye will be sending another letter next month.
Ronald Cavaye
Ronald Cavaye is a concert pianist who studied in London, Hannover and Budapest. He was professor of piano at the Musashino Academy of Music in Tokyo between 1979-1986. Now living in London, he returns to Japan several times a year for concerts, teaching and lectures.
Ronald Cavaye first saw a Kabuki play in 1979 and in 1982 became one of the first narrators (kaisetsusha) of the English Earphone Guide. He has written books on music education and Kabuki - "Kabuki - A Pocket Guide": Charles E. Tuttle, USA and Japan, 1993 and "A Guide to the Japanese Stage": (with Paul Griffith and Akihiko Senda), Kodansha International, Japan, 2004.
He translated Suzugamori for "Kabuki Plays on Stage Vol. III - Darkness and Desire": University of Hawai'i Press, 2002 and for the past year has been working on the commentaries and subtitles of the new series of Kabuki DVDs being produced by Shochiku and NHK.